Indigo opening night and installation shots at Chicago Cultural Center 2013

Indigo opening night and installation shots
If you are in Chicago, be sure to check out my two-woman show “Indigo: Shelly Jyoti and Laura Kina” at the Chicago Cultural Center up through April 2, 2013. Below are installation shots and a few pictures from our January 27, 2013 opening.

For more info and to view our works up close and read essays about the work, visit the online catalog or see our entire bodies of work on our websites at:

Indigo Narratives 2009 – 2013

Exhibition entrance at the Chicago Cultural Center Chicago Rooms

Shelly Jyoti and I at the opening

Shelly Jyoti and I at the opening

Opening reception January 27, 2013. In front of my “Devon Avenue Sampler: Alterations” work from 2011.

Opening reception January 27, 2013.

Installation view of Shelly Jyoti’s “Indigo Narratives: Homage – Woeful Tales of the Ryots of Champaran” Photo by Colin Lyons.

Shelly Jyoti and I with her work. Photo by Colin Lyons.

Me in front of my works at the Chicago Cultural Center. Photo by Colin Lyons.

Installation view of my Devon Avenue Sampler series. Photo by Colin Lyons.

Installation view of my Devon Avenue Sampler series. Photo by Colin Lyons.

Installation view of my Devon Avenue Sampler series. Photo by Colin Lyons.

Installation view of my Devon Avenue Sampler series. Photo by Colin Lyons.

Installation view of our joint gallery room at the Chicago Cultural Center. Photo by Colin Lyons.

Shelly and I in front of my Devon Avenue Sampler series. Photo by Colin Lyons.